10 Tested Writing Prompts /Part 1/

In writing, getting stuck, or even getting started, might be tricky. Imposter syndrome, family, responsibilities - we all know the phrase “life happens” quite well. So here are some valuable tips to get you unstuck and help you make writing an enjoyable and natural process. 


Always start with an outline. Of course, it can change during the writing process, but this way, you will always have a base to get back to if you are stuck.

While writing your first draft, pretend no one will see it. Don’t think about standards or rules, just let the words flow.

Music. Listen to the music you like while writing. Create a playlist for your characters or story. This will help you get in the right mood.

Use speech-to-text software or record yourself telling the story, and then use the recording to type it down. When writing, we subconsciously try to do everything right and often go back and change words, sentences, punctuation, etc. This issue will be eliminated if you are speaking and not looking at the text. Once you are ready with the entire scene or chapter, you can spend as much time as you like editing and perfecting it.

Set a deadline. And most importantly - stick to it! Even if you are writing as a hobby, motivation is essential to keep you going. Speaking from personal experience, if you keep saying, “I’ll do it tomorrow/next week,” it’s quite possible you’ll procrastinate again.

To be continued…

Happy writing and May the fourth be with you!


10 Tested Writing Prompts /Part 2/


The 4 Types of Editing Every Book Needs