Editing Services

Manuscript Evaluation

“This is so incredibly helpful and encouraging. I couldn’t be more pleased. I love some of your immediate suggestions. Thank you again so much for your encouragement and thoughtful critique.” — David W., middle-grade writer


Whether you call it an editorial assessment, manuscript critique, or manuscript evaluation, it means one thing: I will read your manuscript cover to cover and identify its strengths and weaknesses so you can make an informed decision about what to change, improve, or leave as it is (after all, it’s your book).

The result of this evaluation is an editorial letter (usually around 5-10 pages), where I discuss the storyline, writing style, plot, pacing, setting, character arcs, reading flow, and anything else that catches my attention.

Line Editing

“As an aspiring author working on my first novel manuscript, I was very nervous about having five years of hard work picked through. Fortunately I discovered Nevvie to not only be professional in her services, but also supportive and informative. She not only provided a thorough review of the novel and helpful tips for grammar, but also very insightful comments on development. She offered encouragement and went above and beyond the 'bare minimum' to make sure I had all the information I needed to refine my creative work.” —KJ Davis, aspiring author


This type of editing focuses on writing style and voice. I will comb the manuscript line by line, sentence by sentence, looking for ways to improve your writing, pointing out awkward phrasing, unnecessary repetition, telling vs. showing, passive voice, and dialogue, and flagging any inconsistencies.

At this stage, grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors play a secondary role (although I might flag a few here and there), and I look at sentence structure, word usage, overall readability, and the flow of your prose.

In addition to line editing, I will provide a light manuscript critique free of charge. This includes comments on the plot, setting, character arc, pacing, dialogue, and more.

Copy Editing

“I needed an editor for my manuscript, and I'm so glad I found Nevvie! Right from the start, she made me feel like she genuinely cared about my writing, and she offered comments and suggestions that were both detailed and thoughtful. I couldn't be happier with the fast, friendly service I received, and I look forward to working with Nevvie again in the future.” — Jane Maguire, romance author


You’ve probably heard that copy editing is also called “mechanical” editing. During this phase, I will make sure your writing is clear, concise, and free of grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. I will address commonly confused words (such as affect/effect, your/you’re, etc.) and ensure consistency with capitalization, hyphenation, and numerals. This provides a professional polish to your book.

In addition to copy editing, I will provide a light manuscript critique free of charge. This includes comments on the plot, setting, character arc, pacing, dialogue, and more.



This is the last step of final polishing and fine touches of the manuscript after line and copy editing. I will make sure that no typos, misspellings, punctuation, or formatting errors will spoil the experience of your readers.

FREE 1,000-Word Sample Edit


I understand trusting me with your manuscript is close to trusting me with your baby. It’s important that both of us feel comfortable. That’s why I believe a free trial is essential. You can get a FREE 1,000-word sample edit without any obligation.

This way, you can see if we are a good match and if my editing style is the right one for your needs.

Quality & Loyalty


To achieve your best work, you need to give 100%. I chose the editing career because I love books, and I admire authors for their ability to create unique worlds. I want to be a part of these worlds. I want to help you build beautiful places, characters, and stories.

I treat every author and every book with respect. My goal is for you to create the best version of your story. I am friendly and loyal, and I hope we can build a long-term relationship based on mutual trust.

How I Work

After the free sample is done and we agree to work together, the next step is to sign a contract outlining the scope of work, deadlines, and expectations.

I take a 30% deposit to book a slot, 50% before I start the editing, and the other 20% - after completion. We can also agree on a payment plan for bigger projects. I accept bank transfers and PayPal.

Step 1: First, I draft a contract for you to review and sign. Once the contract is signed, I send a 30% non-refundable deposit invoice to book your slot (I use PayPal). You send me the full manuscript before the starting date.

Step 2: I edit and return the manuscript within the agreed deadline. I provide two files: a Word file with Track Changes on, so you can see exactly what I've done and a PDF file with the changes for reference. You decide whether to accept or reject my suggestion.

I always do three editing passes:

  • During the first pass, I read the entire manuscript to get familiar with the story and your writing style. In this pass, I only fix glaring mistakes (like obvious typos).

  • The second pass is fully hands-on: I fix everything that needs to be fixed, make suggestions and comments within the document, flag any potential issues, and make inquiries.

  • During the third pass, I review the entire manuscript one last time to make sure I didn’t miss anything.

Step 3: Once you receive the edited manuscript, please take your time going through my edits and notes and let me know if you have any questions or comments about my suggestions. This is teamwork, and it's your book, so I would be happy to discuss everything until you feel completely comfortable with the outcome.