
The Art of Proofreading: How to Catch Errors in Your Manuscript

The Art of Proofreading: How to Catch Errors in Your Manuscript

As an indie author navigating the intricate world of self-publishing, the art of proofreading holds unparalleled significance in presenting a polished and professional manuscript. Self-editing is a skill every self-published author must master to ensure their work is free from errors that could detract from the reader's experience. In this guide, we will explore effective proofreading techniques and strategies tailored for indie authors engaged in the self-publishing journey.

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Character Development: Creating Memorable Protagonists
How to... series Nevvie Gane How to... series Nevvie Gane

Character Development: Creating Memorable Protagonists

Creating memorable characters is vital for an engaging and successful story. The protagonist plays a crucial role in driving the narrative, and their development can make or break a reader’s connection to the story. In this article, I will explore the art of character development, the role of a protagonist, and the different types of character arcs to help you craft a compelling story.

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How Can Self-Publishing Authors Protect Themselves Against Scammers?
How to... series, Self-Publishing Nevvie Gane How to... series, Self-Publishing Nevvie Gane

How Can Self-Publishing Authors Protect Themselves Against Scammers?

As much as it pains me to say that, scammers are on the loose in the publishing industry. They thrive on exploiting authors’ dreams and vulnerabilities. Just very recently, I had such a negative experience myself.

This inspired me to collect and organize all the steps a self-publishing author can take to protect themselves against scammers in the publishing industry - from vanity presses to individuals offering editing, formatting, and designing “services.”

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