3 Reasons I Will Not Edit Your Manuscript

Reason 1: Your Manuscript is Not Ready
If you request a copy edit, but your manuscript has story issues, lack of character development, poor dialogue, etc., I’ll turn it down and advise you to find a development editor. I’d never take on a project just to get paid. I respect your craft too much, and my ultimate goal is always what’s best for the book (and the author).

Reason 2: I Don’t Have Experience with Your Genre
I read a ton of romance, women’s fiction, (psychological) thrillers, mystery, and fiction novels. I don’t read horror. So, I won’t edit a horror manuscript. The reason is simple: if I don’t read this genre, I don’t know what it requires, its tropes, I can’t compare it to other books. Your manuscript deserves a professional who not only edits but also reads a specific genre.

Reason 3: We are not a good fit
Sometimes author and editor might have different visions for the manuscript. It doesn’t mean either one is right or wrong; it simply means we don’t see eye to eye with this particular project, and our collaboration won’t be productive.
Always make sure you feel completely comfortable with the editor you choose and that the service you are receiving is exactly what you want and need.

If you don’t fall under any of these categories, get in touch here or email me at nevvie@nevviegane.com to discuss your manuscript.


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