
How Can Self-Publishing Authors Protect Themselves Against Scammers?
How to... series, Self-Publishing Nevvie Gane How to... series, Self-Publishing Nevvie Gane

How Can Self-Publishing Authors Protect Themselves Against Scammers?

As much as it pains me to say that, scammers are on the loose in the publishing industry. They thrive on exploiting authors’ dreams and vulnerabilities. Just very recently, I had such a negative experience myself.

This inspired me to collect and organize all the steps a self-publishing author can take to protect themselves against scammers in the publishing industry - from vanity presses to individuals offering editing, formatting, and designing “services.”

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Benefits and Drawbacks of Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing
Self-Publishing Nevvie Gane Self-Publishing Nevvie Gane

Benefits and Drawbacks of Self-Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing

Self-publishing and traditional publishing are two paths authors can take when it comes to publishing their work. Each option has its own set of benefits and drawbacks that authors must consider before making a decision. To help authors decide which route is the best for them, here is an in-depth look at the pros and cons of self-publishing and traditional publishing.

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The Essential Role of Book Editors: How to Get the Most Out of Your Editing Process
Book Editing, Self-Publishing Nevvie Gane Book Editing, Self-Publishing Nevvie Gane

The Essential Role of Book Editors: How to Get the Most Out of Your Editing Process

When it comes to writing a book, it is essential to have an editor on board to help you bring your vision to life. Book editors are the people who are responsible for ensuring that your book is grammatically sound, coherent, and free from any errors. They can help you make sure that your book is well-written, well-structured, and that it appeals to its target audience. But how can you get the most out of your editing process?

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My Life as an Editor
Nevvie Gane Nevvie Gane

My Life as an Editor

It’s been almost a year since I quit my job in a marketing agency. Boy, was that a scary step!

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10 Tested Writing Prompts /Part 2/
Writing Advice Nevvie Gane Writing Advice Nevvie Gane

10 Tested Writing Prompts /Part 2/

In writing, getting stuck, or even getting started, might be tricky. Imposter syndrome, family, responsibilities - we all know the phrase “life happens” quite well. So here are some valuable tips to get you unstuck and help you make writing an enjoyable and natural process.

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10 Tested Writing Prompts /Part 1/
Writing Advice Nevvie Gane Writing Advice Nevvie Gane

10 Tested Writing Prompts /Part 1/

In writing, getting stuck, or even getting started, might be tricky. Imposter syndrome, family, responsibilities - we all know the phrase “life happens” quite well. So here are some valuable tips to get you unstuck and help you make writing an enjoyable and natural process.

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